The Connection Between Trauma and Chronic Illness Part 1
VideosJuly 03, 202300:30:38

The Connection Between Trauma and Chronic Illness Part 1

This video is a voiceover and the first in a two-part series on the connection between trauma and chronic illness. When you complete this video, check out Part II of this series that will drop two weeks after this one. While this is a complex topic, we keep it basic, discussing how our ACEs score, or Adverse Childhood Conditions can impact our physical health. By showing the connection between sustained stress and trauma on the body, and how this can contribute to mental illness, you start to see the connection between trauma and chronic illness. In the second part, we discuss ways to lessen this impact and connection and ways to heal both trauma and chronic illness and advocate for yourself.

To see The Connection Between Trauma and Chronic Illness Part 2 go here:

How Trauma Affects Our Health at University of California and San Francisco Center to Advance Trauma Informed Care
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Chronic Illness by Veronique Mead in Chronic Illness Trauma Studies
Are Childhood Trauma and Chronic Illness Connected? By Kirsten Shultz in Healthline