Episode 9 Season 2: Series on Narcissistic Abuse: The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Our Relationship With God

Episode 9 Season 2: Series on Narcissistic Abuse: The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Our Relationship With God

Episode Description:
The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Our Relationship With God is the last episode in the Series on Narcissistic Abuse. When we are raised by people with narcissistic traits, in a rigid religious environment, or we are abused or neglected long term in other ways, we believe the qualities that our caretakers have are also what God is like. Our caretakers are often projecting misconceptions onto God that they were taught as well, and they pass them down to us. As children, we have no other frame of reference for what God is like, who God is, or who we are in Christ. As a result, we are often left confused with mixed messages. We come to see God as rigid, withholding, harsh, judgmental, angry, stingy, or cold. 

These misconceptions can cause us harm, making us feel fear, unworthiness, resentment, anger, and even despair in our relationship with God. This causes many to stop believing. It's life changing to separate our misconceptions about God from who God really is based on truth: scripture, healthy psychology, and objective reality. This also helps us heal misconceptions about ourselves. By healing our distortions and projections, we can enjoy a loving, secure, safe, and peaceful relationship with God (perhaps for the first time), run toward God instead of away from Him, and live the life He intended us to live.

Breakdown of Episode
0:00 Introduction to the Episode
3:34 Introduction to the Topic
6:12 How Caretakers Treat Us Impacts What We Think About God
28:39 Distorted Views of God and How We Project These Onto God
44:58 How to Separate Our Projections Onto God With Who He Really Is
56:22 Specific Ways to Heal Our Distortions About God

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