Episode 20: Acceptance

Episode 20: Acceptance

Episode Description:
 Acceptance discusses what self-acceptance is, how self-acceptance can help us draw closer to Christ, and why accepting our shortcomings and coming to Him just as we are is the beginning of all healing. The radical acceptance and love that Christ says more about Him than our shortcomings, which enables us radical surrender to His grace. This is the first step to all healing. 

I then share a personal story of an extremely difficult experience when I applied an exercise of acceptance to that pattern to bring down triggers that caused terror, related to trauma from the past. This acceptance exercise is simple, straightforward, and effective, and it can help you learn to accept your emotions and help your fear and the difficulty of certain situations to lose their power. 

Breakdown of Episode: 
1:16 Intro to Acceptance and Why Self-Acceptance is Helpful for Our Relationship With Christ
4:39 How Christ's Radical Grace Leads to our Radical Surrender and Ultimately our Healing
11:46 Personal Story of Acceptance Leading to Healing
30:58 Acceptance Exercise You Can Use to Deal with Difficult Situations and Emotions 

Bulleted List of Resources

  • "5 Factors That Make You feel Shame" by Shahram Heshmat in Psychology Today
    This article explains the symptoms of shame and helps you to understand the difference between shame and guilt. Knowing how shame blocks us from coming to Christ helps us to work on the issues in our life so we can surrender to Him. 
  • The work of Joseph Prince, Philip Yancy, and especially Brennan Manning are great resources to study and learn about the radical acceptance, love, and grace of Christ. Check out The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning, especially, which had a great impact on me.
    This book's description states the following: "The Father beckons us to Himself with a 'furious love' that burns brightly and constantly. Only when we truly embrace God’s grace can we bask in the joy of a gospel that enfolds the most needy of Hi

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